Continuing Education
Continuing Education
Expand Your Knowledge in Medical and Legal Terminologies
Thank you for choosing Absolute Legal Services’ Continuing Education Correspondence Courses. These courses are developed to renew or expand your knowledge of legal and medical terminology.
We will send you your certificate and the necessary forms as soon as possible in order for you to file your credit request with GBCR or NCRA, and we will notify NVRA of your completion. Please indicate what state and/or organization you are seeking credit for. Also, please list your certification number to be used on your certificate.

Once you have paid for your course/courses, there will be a download button beside each course. After you have completed the course, you will send the signature page and final quiz back to [email protected]. Thanks again!! PLEASE NOTE THAT WE MUST RECEIVE YOUR COMPLETION BY 5:00 P.M. ET ON DECEMBER 30 AS OUR OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL JANUARY 2.
Courses currently available:
“Fun with Medical Terminology” – $110 for all States and Organizations. This test is approved for GA, NCRA, and NVRA. Click Here
“Fun with Medical Terminology II” – $110 for all States and Organizations. This test is approved for GA, NCRA and NVRA.
Click Here
“Fun with Forensics” – $110 for all States and Organizations. This test is approved for GA, NCRA, and NVRA. Click Here
“Fun with Legal Terminology” – $110 for all States and Organizations. This test is approved for GA, NCRA, and NVRA. Click Here
“Commonly Misused Words” – $110 for all States and Organizations. This test is approved for GA, NCRA, and NVRA. Click Here

All courses are currently approved by the NVRA for 5 hours each and pre-qualified by the Self-Study Task Force for NCRA for .25 CEUs.
Commonly Misused Words, Fun with Medical Terminology I, Fun with Medical Terminology II, Fun with Legal Terminology, and Fun with Forensics are currently approved by the Board of Court Reporting for Georgia for 5 credit hours.